Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Arcvs et avrea Latinitatis.

Since this show was inspired by a surrealist word game, we (Joe, Evan, Pete) are planning on including some text-based surrealism into our giant golden monument to our own greatness. Specifically, in the inner arch, we're putting up a narcissistic, absurdly self-reverential Latin quote, but since Joe is the only one in the group with a working knowledge of Latin (and since his dissertation was on the branching of Gallic vulgar Latin in the early Migration Period--how impractical), we had to rely on automated translation software to generate the text. The translated quote loses some of its original rhetorical brilliance, though as with Exquisite Corpse, the unintended results are strangely interesting.

"Ad hoc dicunt, ostendit quod nec in hoc saeculo neque artifices arte tres linguae eius plenam veritatem potest capere, virtutem maiestatemque esse. Invideo posterum diem conveni culturis ut ex una tantum exigua portio altitudinem decore referet hoc opus."

In the spirit of the Exquisite Corpse collaboration, we invite others to vandalize the inner arch of our monument with Latin text.

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